So it pains me. I am moving out. Going to live on my own. Though I am happy to be selfsustaining, (Vanessa would be so proud of me, she has been tring to get me to move out since I was 17.) but I am not going to have any internet for a while. I hope to have it with in a month. So my writing and commenting will be fairly sportatic. I love you all so don’t think that I don’t.
Monthly Archives: August 2004
Monday August 23, 2004
This is the sound of my heart’s desire, this is the song that my spirit sings. This is the sound of the coming reign.
Come, like you promised. Come, like you promised.
This is the groan from the deepest place, this is the incense that fills the earth. This is the sound of the coming reign.
Come, like you promised. Come, like you promised.
This is the song of the hope with in, this is the song that the prophets sing. This is the sound of the coming reign.
Sunday August 22, 2004
So what if I am listening to stolen music, it is not like I am against it or anything. Okay I am. I will buy the CD when I get enough money. I promise.
And something that almost makes me feel as guilty. The 7-11 caught on fire (not my fault) and so they gave our church all the food. So what I feel guilty about is that after church today, alot of teens ran up there and grabbed plastic bags and just loaded them. I got like a pound and half of candy. Maybe more. So I have all this candy begging me to eat it.
Saturday August 21, 2004
I won’t survive to live this ordinary life. I am not alive to live this ordinary life.
On a lighter note, I have had my email address since october 30th in 1999. That is almost 5 years! I have nephews younger than five!