So I am sitting here thinking. I miss highspeed internet. I need to get it at my house. Now I think I will go and look up bow building…
Tide: Wait, that is edit. Edit: I have to work tomorrow. I am not that happy about that…
So I am sitting here thinking. I miss highspeed internet. I need to get it at my house. Now I think I will go and look up bow building…
Tide: Wait, that is edit. Edit: I have to work tomorrow. I am not that happy about that…
So many intersting things to do! So many things attract my attention. Skin diving, spear fishing, spear making, bow making, banjo making. I am going to be busy…
So today after work I showered and went to walmart about five. Got to walmart, thinking over the list of things I need to buy and things I want to buy. I need some oil, an oil filter, an air filter, and maybe some boots. I want to buy maybe a snorkel, and iPod cover, and maybe a bow and some arrows. I go and look at the iPod cases, but they are all open at the bottom. The reason I need a case is cause things keep getting stuck in the port… So I walk over to automotive. And BLAM! My foot hits the wheel and I start hopping around. I look down and it looks fine, but hurts. So walk a few more feet and then look down. Yep my toe is bleeding. Now I am walking towards auto. thinking , ‘where the heck am i going to get something to clean this up?’ Then I spot a roll of paper towels at the paint counter. So I push my cart over to the side and cross the isle to get there. I get some and wrap up my toe and some one stole my cart! Who the heck would steal the cart of a bleeding man? Sonorans, that thieving lot!
So today was okay. I was a little upset when I left work, but it was better when i got to the swimming hole. Swam. Went to youth, spent some time with God on the carpet, then went and played minigolf. Josh and I were neck and neck the whole time. He got something like five holes in one. Hole in ones? Anyway, but I would catch up with the little things like getting a two where he would get a three. I ended up tying for first place out of all fifteen of us with Erica’s little brother, Cabe. We both got 39. Josh got a 40. I did my happy dance when I found out. I think that is it. Now I am just paying all my bills. They don’t call it payday cause you get payed… It is called that cause you pay all day! Okay, I made that up and it is kind of stupid. Okay, really stupid. Okay, bye.
Oh, I finally figured out what happened to the dvd that I ordered a while back. It got returned some how. Well. I don’t know what to think about that.