Monthly Archives: March 2006

Thursday March 30, 2006

Has everyone gone and found my secret countdown counter? It is at the very bottom of this page. It way rocks. Mostly because it tells me how long it will be until we go to mexico. I have had two dreams about mexico in the past 7 days and they are odd dreams. Nothing really, but dreams anyway.

Well I be off to see what tonight brings.

Tuesday March 28, 2006

And some got under my toes and froze to my sandal. And what the heck! It snowed! I don’t want anymore snow. Really, till next October. October would be nice. Then it could snow to February and I would be happy. But it won’t. I will never be happy until I can go swimming one day and snowboarding the next, and then swimming the day after that.

Edit: Boys speak in rhythm and girls in code. What the heck does that mean? Tell me what you think.

And remember, a picture is a playground for the eyes to explore, so provide a path of movement, and some space for the eye to rest.

Tuesday March 28, 2006

No bitter stench of the funeral-still for Maud’dib.

No knell nor solemn rite to free the mind
From avaricious shadows.
He is the fool saint,
The golden stranger living forever
On the edge of reason.
Let your guard fall and he is there!
His crimson peace and sovereign pallor
Strike into our universe on prophetic webs
To the verge of a quiet glance – there!
Out of bristling star-jungles:
Mysterious, lethal, an oracle with our eyes,
Catspaw of prophecy, whose voice never dies!
Shai-hulud, he awaits thee upon a strand
Where couples walk and fix, eye to eye,
The delicious ennui of love.
He strides though the long cavern of time,
Scattering the fool-self of his dream.

                                              –the Ghola’s Hymn

Sunday March 26, 2006

It has been an odd weekend. It feels odd being at home while everyone is gone at work. Part of me is missing them and missing the work. The other part is happy to have this weekend home. I am tired, when to bed seminar times but got to get up as late as I wanted. Friday night we hung out in the park and at walmart for a few hours before going to denny’s and eating. Went to bed late and got up late. Stayed home and did nothing on saturday until about four thirty. Went down to walmart and bought flipflops and some contact solution. Went to Applebees and hung out with Liv, Bekah, Jof, Anthony, and Josh. Went back to Walmart so Josh could buy a present for Sonjita. Ran into my dad, and also Casey and Breann. Took Anthony and Josh up to Sonjita’s party, played nerts (Don’t tell anyone that I work with that I know how to play.). Came in like third, played Steven bananas. Whomped him three times in a row. Then taught Julie how to play, I beat her the first time and she beat me the second time. She umm… is a messy chaotic card player, one who slams cards and slides them under. I won’t play her again.
Oh, then we all played the “How well do you know the sonja” game. I came in second. Lost to Julie and beat out Kelly. Yeah, it was a showdown between Julie, Kelly, and I. Kelly got eleminated cause she didn’t know Sonjita’s second favorite band and I got out cause I didn’t know her favorite SNL member.
Then after a while those who were left settled down for a major game of LOTR Trivial Pursuit. Long game, ended up with both teams in the center trying to get one last question right. We lost cause Nate know that Sean Austin made his film debut at the age of thirteen in Goonies.
We all left and I didn’t get to sleep til late.

Church, then food, then Shaun of the Dead with Josh, Steven, Isaac, Andrew Williams, and myself. Then here.