Monthly Archives: November 2004

Thursday November 18, 2004

Everybody in the world is Hitler. Bush is Hitler, Ashcroft is Hitler, Rumsfeld is Hitler. The only guy who isn’t Hitler is the foreign guy with a mustache dropping people who disagree with him into the wood chipper. He’s not Hitler.”
-Dennis Miller

Wednesday November 17, 2004

    “You want me to do what” I screamed over the roar of the air rushing past me.
    “I want you to jump. Plain and simple. Just jump.”
    I stared at him. Then did a little bunny hop.
    “Thank you. You may return to your seat.” The android said, letting go of my hands. So I walked over to where I was sitting before the robotic summons came. In my seat, I look over to where the robotic man was standing. He was there next to the open door of the airplane, administering tests, all the same as mine. It is rather routine now a days, with the Insurrection and stuff going on. Apparently They don’t jump. At all. I don’t know how They can’t, it has to do something with their legs or something. A race of advanced aliens, that can look like anyone they want at will, but can’t jump? I don’t know. Any people come to the robot man when their seats page them. The people extend their hands and the robot grabs them, gently but firm. Then he asks you to jump. If you do, he lets go and you go sit down. If you don’t or can’t, he won’t let go and the Marshals come and escort you to be “debriefed.” But for this flight, you apparently get executed right there. There must be someone important on the plane.
    I fidgeted in my seat, I really have to go pee. But there are Marshals standing but the restrooms, watching everyone.
    My attention is drawn back to the door. The robot closed the door and was going back to what ever closet that they store him in.
    The rest of the flight was uneventful.