Monthly Archives: February 2005

Monday February 21, 2005

Ah! Only 24 days left! Ah! *Runs around in panic*

“Petrie, do not feel sad. It is all right. Many things cannot fly. Rocks, trees, sticks, Spike…”

“Wait a minute, Doc. Ah… Are you telling me you built a time machine… out of a DeLorean?”

“Don’t overlook my butt, I work out all the time. And reaping burns a lot of calories.”

“Look, you’re really cute, but I can’t understand what you’re saying.”

“You want to talk to God? Let’s go see him together, I’ve got nothing better to do.”

“I’m the damn paterfamilias!”

“Okay, Brand. Michael Jackson didn’t come over to my house to use the bathroom. But his sister did!”

“Cookies need love. . . .like everything else does.”

“Merry Christmas, movie house. Merry Christmas, Emporium. Merry Christmas, you wonderful Building and Loan!”

“Salutations is my fancy way of saying hello.”

“Now gentlemen, in this country our courts are the great levelers, and in our courts all men are created equal. I’m no idealist to believe firmly in the integrity of our courts and of our jury system. That’s no ideal to me. That is a living, working reality. Now I am confident that you gentlemen will review without passion the evidence that you have heard, come to a decision, and restore this man to his family. In the name of God, do your duty. In the name of God, believe Tom Robinson.”

Tell me who said each of those.