So I am planning on using my Atlatl tomorrow. That makes me happy. I have been listening to Showbread and Joy Electric. Both bands kick butt. But life goes on.
Thursday October 27, 2005
4 Replies
So I am planning on using my Atlatl tomorrow. That makes me happy. I have been listening to Showbread and Joy Electric. Both bands kick butt. But life goes on.
So I have decided that I feel like a burnt cookie. Yeah. I had donuts yesterday, and today too. Krispy Kremes.
It is over. Yay. It was good. Good things happened, good things got done. This job rocks. But tomorrow it is back to coaching classes and Dynasty is in three weeks. Crud.
Edit: I noticed that the times aren’t that accurate on my posts. Add two hours for all the StL ones.
So today was long. Good but long. Lots of good stuff happened and it is just to complicated to explain.