Wednesday September 7, 2005 9 Replies I thought my site could use some more color, so I gave it color. What do you all think?
amethyst10987 September 7, 2005 at 4:25 pm hahaha! I love it! Maybe more gold and less green . . . 😛 And I see you finally subscribed to me after . . . what’s it been? a year or so? Reply ↓
BlissfulDiscontent September 7, 2005 at 10:47 pm It’s like Christmas! and yes, I was rambling, that is how I think, scary huh. Reply ↓
la_rosa24 September 8, 2005 at 12:57 am I’m really quite scared. That girl has more color in her teeth than the whole site. Reply ↓
IceAngelGA September 8, 2005 at 6:21 am that is looks oriental to me.and are you condoning cigarettes with that profile picture? =-oactually on second thought maybe not. Reply ↓
Rockstar37 September 8, 2005 at 12:43 pm My new room rocks, its white black, and red, a litttle zebra stuff too. My new number is 588-1503. oh, convince Josh not to drop out of english ok? Reply ↓
hahaha! I love it! Maybe more gold and less green . . . 😛
And I see you finally subscribed to me after . . . what’s it been? a year or so?

I don’t quite know what to say….I’m speechless
It’s like Christmas!
and yes, I was rambling, that is how I think, scary huh.
I’m really quite scared. That girl has more color in her teeth than the whole site.
that is beautiful.
it looks oriental to me.
and are you condoning cigarettes with that profile picture? =-o
actually on second thought maybe not.
it is pimping
My new room rocks, its white black, and red, a litttle zebra stuff too. My new number is 588-1503. oh, convince Josh not to drop out of english ok?
Yes that’s my Kailey