… Coming up over the Pacific. (You might think i’m losing my mind, but I’ll shy away from the specifics. Cause i don’t want you to know where I am, cause then you’ll see my heart in the sadest state it’s ever been.)
But for reals, I did manage to watch the sunrise come up over the Pacific. It’s normally where I’ve seen it set. I thought it was pretty cool, and since i had been up since 5:30, I figured I might as well catch it. It’s not every day you get to see the sunrise and who knows when I would get to see it again.
Anyway – He’s some photos from the flight and travel over. It took up about 33 and half hours to get to the hotel from the office door.

We got to the airport at a half past a stroller.

This is me with my travel buddy, Elyssa. I can’t seem to go anywhere without her tagging along.

This is one of the reasons we’re traveling a whole world away, to leave this one so she can get some schooling.

This is where I waned and wished that you were here with me.

This is my lovely view on the Dallas to SFO flight.

And what I saw out the window.

But I did manage to see quite a bit through this little crack

Including a 4 hour sunset

Me, playing with my forward facing camera

Elyssa and Arika

The flight juice.

Some crazy clouds.

SFO, where I bribed the Qantas lady to do all our Visas with a stack of Mother’s Iced Oatmeal cookies and she still did them wrong.

My sleeping mask. Cause I’m a pirate! ARRG… JK! Ninjas forever!!!1!

End of part one. And we said our good byes and continued on our way, sans Arika.

Flying into Surfer’s Paradise/Gold Coast.

Awesome flowers at the airport.

I went rattlesnake hunting and actually captured some.

This is Surfer’s Paradise

The view from my hotel room.

Menu for Midgets.

Old suit of armor.
