Monday June 21, 2004

Elisabeth, my stepsister, and her husband are pregnant, Now I am gong to have twelve nieces and nephews.

12 thoughts on “Monday June 21, 2004

  1. MimiJ

    wow! so much family! hehe… have a rockin week!
    p.s. just surfin xanga looking at random sites… i love finding sites where people are Christians, and it looks like you’re one, so ROCK ON!! πŸ™‚

  2. MimiJ

    cool… nice to talk to you Calvin_Darge… yeah, music camp rocked, at least here… maybe they have one in sunny california… So you’re a college kid? Where do you go to college?

  3. LovedFromAbove

    So are you excited about this new addition? Praise the Lord our toilets flushed — we were blessed with plumbing while we were there. The showers there were cold, but it was a blessing because it was so hot outside. Thanks for your comment again. πŸ™‚

  4. Passive_Spastic

    Your supposed to leave eprops on posts that you like or are “exceptional” as it says above, if you’ve noticed I don’t give eprops unless it is really good either.

  5. MimiJ

    Hello again… I see your name now! hehe… is that a picture of your eye? Or is it someone else’s eye? That would be kinda strange… but anyway, hope your week is awesome, and I’ll talk to you on AIM sometime I’m sure…

  6. MimiJ

    lol, so when you said the last sentence made you gag, do you mean the one about the gay guy or the one about me being demanding?
    p.s. cute eye πŸ˜€


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