I broke Happy’s computer, but it is working now. Who knows for how long.
Monthly Archives: April 2004
Tuesday April 13, 2004
So I am still in Mexico, but I got Happy’s computer to work, so i could go online. It was hard, and it still kind of screwed up windows, but i can talk to people.
Tuesday April 13, 2004
Here am I in mexico, on some awesome guy’s computer. Just letting you all know that I have stayed a second week.
Friday April 2, 2004
Wicked awesome! I will be in Mexico with in the next 36 hours. I am fleeing the country because I… well I can’t tell you. I ask that you pray for safety, productivity, and spiritual movement. We need all that. Feel free to scream “unity” at us too, it might help. Ashley, don’t get mad at me for not posting while I am gone (you more than likely don’t read my site). I hope it isn’t going to be too hot. I have been down there when it was a hundred or so. Not that fun when you are wearing jeans. It isn’t that fun when you are wearing shorts. So pray a lot and hope that I will post on Easter. Gloria a Dios!