Monthly Archives: September 2004

Monday September 13, 2004

Yeah, that is right! I was watching Smallville. I was at the McGrady’s. Yep, a fun time at the McGrady’s. We ate, most of us, then worshipped, and prayed. My hand smells like the Locked Garden stuff that Mona and Penny use. It brings back memories. He he, Palm Springs. Anyway, Katie wouldn’t give me my present, but since I have waited a month, I can wait another year.
So I am apparently going to Cambodia some time. I don’t know when but I have an idea. I will be in YWAM, just minding my own buisness, planning to spend my mission trip in some latin country. Then BLAM! It gets cancelled, and the only trip left is the Cambodian one.

Lord help me not to bury my talents in the ground.