Monday August 30, 2004

So I am in my house, on my internet, feeling quite proud. Now I am going to go and try to get the internet to connect through the windows connecton manager thing.
Oh, and the post before this was refering to the post before it.

“What is the point in not conforming if it changes you?”

4 thoughts on “Monday August 30, 2004

  1. IceAngelGA

    Good question… never thought of that before. Your new site look is horribly hard to read. So glad you’re back in the wonderful world of the internet.  🙂

  2. IceAngelGA

    oh okay, well I think I know what it was then… the screen on the school’s computer I used was dimmed out and I didnt’ realize it. But your site was horribly difficult to read.

  3. IceAngelGA

    oh okay, well I think I know what it was then… the screen on the school’s computer I used was dimmed out and I didnt’ realize it. But your site was horribly difficult to read.


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