I am freaking tired. I just got home from being gon for over13 and 1/2 hours. And I have a headache because all these little interpersonal problems that add up to me having a headache. I am feed up with girls. At least for a few days.
Ap-a-thy: n. 1. Lack of interest or concern, esp. in important matters. 2. Lack of emotion; impassiveness
Apathy huh…… andrew talked to you didn’t he…..grrrrr
The definition of apathy, and girls.
Well maybe a lot of girls are tired of some of things guys do to. But, even though I’m a girl, I know what you mean. I hope it passes…
Ah, the inevitable “I’m fed up with the opposite sex” syndrome. It is no fun, I assure you. But is it? When you relax in who you are and realize that just God is good enough for you, there is a sense of peace. But,nonetheless, girls are still confusing and frustrating and so plah. Heck, I’m a girl and I don’t even understand my own kind. What’s a girl to do? Anyways, I hope you enjoy my super long comment. God bless you, my friend.
It isn’t that I am feed up with the opposite sex, it is just that I was tired of the same people with the same problems. And they all seemed to be girls.
Yeah. That makes sense. Is there like alot of drama going on? Drama sucks. I hate it like no other. I hope things get better for you. Oh and it was cool seeing you at Columbia today… welp, I will talk to you later! K, bye.