All I have to say is that moving sucks.
Okay that isn’t all I have to say, but that is all I have to say about moving.
So, I snuck in to my parent’s house to go on the internet. (The door was locked but I called my dad and he said it was okay.) When to JS West and they say that they need 200 dollar deposit because I have poor credit. But I don’t. They just said that because I have only had my job for 4 months. The telephone and the electricity didn’t have a problem with my credit. Oh well.
Oh and my deep spiritual thought for this post is;
You know the story of the rich young ruler? Matthew 19:16-30. Most people say that he couldn’t get to heaven because he didn’t want to give away his possesions. He didn’t and that is true. But it seems to me that they focus on the wrong part of the passage. There is this inking, this feeling that there is a part we are missing. Meditate on verse 17. The conversation was over before it was started.
Napoleon Dynamite is a mtv movie, but it is only pg. It is only playing in select theaters, and up here in sonora isn’t one of their hot spots if you know what I mean. It is so funny though. It’s one of those, it’s so incredibly dumb that it is funny. Anyway, you read the quotes. If you want to see a bunch of little clips from the movie with some quotes, go to the fanclub page, just type in a search for napolean dynamite.
you know… I think you’re right. I’m gonna keep meditating, and when I’m more awake I’ll come back and comment on verse 17.
You’ve lost me . . . why was the conversation over before it started??
I think the conversation was over before it started, because it Jesus mentions perfection… and we can never be perfect. :-S
hey what’s up, what’s up? how have things been for you? i thought i would get back on good ol’ xanga and update my site…woot! hope all is well with you!