Tuesday October 5, 2004

Well in three days my site will be 300 years old. Or days. I get those confused sometimes.

Two more:

“A man who is intimate with God will never be intimidated by men.”
-Leonard Ravenhill

“We have taught our children to feast and play, now we need to teach them to fast and pray.”
-Lou Engle

He he, Lou Engle.

4 thoughts on “Tuesday October 5, 2004

  1. Passive_Spastic

      Now!  At your local toy retailer the Lou Engle action figure!  That’s right, Lou Engle comes with bendable knees, and! rocking and spitting action!  For only $11.95 you can own Lou to enjoy yourself, call now!

  2. Calvin_Darge

    And also at your local toy retailer, the Fast Tempter! Complete with a Pink Box, and Sound! “Lets go out to lunch!” “Have a donut!” and “You have to try this! My wife made it!”


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