Wednesday October 6, 2004

So I was sitting at my computer, much like I am now, and I saw the screen flicker. “Oh,” I thought, “I must be getting a cell phone call.” And sure enough I did. It was AT&T trying to offer me more minutes to stay with them. I really don’t need more minutes, I just needed to pay less. So we talked about how the plan below mine was only 19.99, a good price, but it only had 60 minutes in it. My current plan has 250, even though I don’t use all of them. So I asked, if I went to the lower plan, could I have more minutes. She thought about it and looked it up on the computer. “I can give you 450 minutes,” she said. “So wait? I get more minutes for less? I will renew my contract for that.” I said.
So I am sitting wonder if God is giggling at me openning a present from him.

Anyway, I thought I should go over my subscription list and take out all of the people that I don’t think are quite worthy of being on my site. Just kidding. I just took off the people that don’t post anymore, why would I want to refer someone to a site that doesn’t say anything new?

7 thoughts on “Wednesday October 6, 2004

  1. simplyworshipper

    hey i saw that u wrote on my friends site (old_girl) and wrote “merger?” anyways i figured i’d come tell u what it was!:) my church (new creation) just merged with another church in town.. we have about 400 ppl at newcreation but the other church only had like 100 and they’re an awesome church so we joined togehter! itw as awesome anyways i like your site so i just thought i’d comment1 god belss you! love, suzy


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