Monthly Archives: July 2005

Friday July 15, 2005

Ask me in person and I will tell you the name. I named it on part of the fact that one day the one personality defect that the namesake had led to his ruin, same with the apparent weakness of the ipod. Enought about being outcast. Today I am going to eat at the great wall, and then go see fantasic four.

Friday July 15, 2005

I think it is time to post again, so my fiance doesn’t appear attention grabbing. I have named my iPod after a movie. And a book. It was the book first, published in 1853, but I have only seen the movie. The movie came much later. It had Crispin Glover in it. And he likes saying, “I would prefer not to.” If you can tell me what the movie is, and therefore tell me the name of my iPod, you get two eprops.

Thursday July 14, 2005

So it is that time again. Time to post. I got my iPod from Andrew and I am happy. I want to think of a good name for it. I just don’t like the name derek… Maybe it will remain andrew the ipod for ever. but who knows. Give me suggestions. Oh, andrew and josh both brought me back tons of pens and that is really cool. Josh also brought me a flask. You know, one of those little metal ones that people put stuff like wiskey in. I don’t know what i am going to do with it, but it is so freakin’ cool. Well, now i am just waiting for my ipod to finish loading. Peace out.

Wednesday July 13, 2005

Oh, Xanga, I feel that I have been neglecting you. So to make it up to you, so our relationship won’t die, I will tell you about my day. The first part of my day was horrible. I had to empty the grease trap at work. This might be a little hard to explain but I will try my hardest. Since we have a septic system at work, we can’t but too much grease, oils, or fat in to the leech field. It would kill it, plug it up, cause it to explode or somthing bad like that. So there is this funny looking box under the kitchen that some how (i think it is voodoo) separtates the grease from the water waste and keeps it. Well the box gets full with this smelly, stinky, thick, oozy, rotten, chunky mess of lipids (bonus points for using that word) (double bonus points for remembering said word from biology). Well, it wasn’t that full, but the part that does something was something another and it was kind of overflowing. not that hard to fix. But, well no one ever really bothered with getting rid of the sickness completely, and the filled a whole stinking garbage can full of the gag inducing substance. So we had to fill up some small five gallon buckets with it and despose of it. It was cramped, smelly down there, and it was just plain gross. There were a few times that I almost lost it. I can’t describe it to you, the smell, the sound, the hatred I had for the fluid/solid. We ended up taking something like eighty gallons of it away. I felt sick for the rest of the morning. After lunch though, my day got a better. I helped out Kharis on the bike ride, and that made me really tired. I saw Sarah’s toe, and she could squeese it and make bubbles with it. That is really cool. Well, I think that is it for my day, except I finished my book.