So I was setting down for a long shift of doing dishes, when Casey tells me that he is going to need my help on the ropes course. I didn’t want to do it. I grumbled. I tried to get out of it. I just basically had the wrong attitude about it. I was told I had to, and that at 2:30 I would have to go up there. I really wanted nothing more than to stay on top of the dishes so I could go home at a decent hour, and I was now going to have to leave the dishroom for three hours unattended. Well, in the dishroom I realized that I have been having the wrong attitude, and well it wasn’t as bad as I thought it was going to be. Yeah, I did get out of work an hour later than normal, but what was my complaining attitude doing?
Monthly Archives: August 2005
Thursday August 25, 2005
I am tired. All I wanted to do tonight was go to youth group and have fun with my friends. But after Dan spoke and we all went downstairs, there was just too much drama. And me being in my tired state, I picked up other peoples’ emotions and took them as my own. Which stressed me out and I had to go and be somewhere else.
Wednesday August 24, 2005
Yes, Xanga, 620 is a big number.
Today I bought some Random Access Memory, ate some ice cream with Amy, Julie, and Sonja (’cause it was Amy‘s birthday), watched a movie with Amy, Julie, Sonja, Andrew, and Steven (’cause it was Amy‘s birthday). The movie was okay. It had some good parts and some bad parts and some funny parts and some parts that were funny, but weren’t supposed to be.
Monday August 22, 2005
I want a bass. I played a five string one, and I have always wanted a five sting, but it just was weird. The low b was nice, but a little too low. Maybe a different bass will be different. So I need to go out bass shopping.