Thursday September 15, 2005

A time of upheavel? It seems like it would be, and in the past it has been. With much worring, and mal-feelings. But it is different this time. I remember coming back from Mexico the year before last, the season was over at Dodge, and I needed a job. So I prayed and I went and filled out applications. None of them came back or anything. I remember praying one night before going to bed, like I normally did during that time, “God, I need a job.” I remember being woke up by my cell phone, Nicole asking me if I needed a job. That is the first time that I have ever really connected God with getting a job. Old Oak was my first God-job. And there were times when I didn’t want to work there, there were times when I tried leaving but couldn’t. I worked as a groundskeeper, a dishwasher, an area developer, a teacher, a goundskeeper, and finally a dishwasher. And now I gone. It is over. And it came at a weird time. I don’t feel like I needed to leave. Two weeks ago maybe. I really wasn’t planning on leaving, I wanted something that was part time, something to supplement my income so I could continue working at Old Oak. I was looking just to survive the winter until gold camp started again. I remember talking to Andrew’s dad about it, and he mentioned Dani was looking for someone. I asked him to ask Mona about it and later that week Mona called me for an resume. I didn’t have one so I spent the day making one. I didn’t get a call for over a week, and then it was to have an interview that same day. I went in and for some reason they hired me. I don’t know if anyone else was applying. I don’t know if I was the most qualified for the job. I don’t think I have ever gotten a job based on my qualifications. I don’t know if they had something else in mind when they hired me. I don’t know what God is thinking, but I do know is that I am apparently done at Old Oak and I am now here. I will give it my best and see what God has in store for me.

6 thoughts on “Thursday September 15, 2005

  1. BrownEyedChica18

    haha that’s all good~!!! i am just surprised you read it! i rarely have the time to sit down and write a post but when i do they are forever long. I don’t expect people to read them, but i think for some weird reason they do.! πŸ™‚ if you add up your posts though, even though they are very short, they are probably equal length to mine considering you post every day!! πŸ™‚

  2. King_seeker

    Congratulations Andrew,

    The thing about this job is you are working for a company that is building the Kingdom of God. This is a very blessed place to be. Take one day at a time and rest in HIS provision for this season. Bless you.



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