Monthly Archives: June 2006

Sunday June 4, 2006

Okay three down and one to go.

Saw some crazy stuff tonight

Like this…

And the fire department was called…

Then they left…

Fun stuff…

Congrats Andrew, Nathen, Sam, Joleen, and Amanda.

Oh refuge of my hardened heart
Oh fast pursuing lover come
As angels dance ’round Your throne
My life by captured fare You own

Not silhouette of trodden faith
Nor death shall not my steps be guide
I’ll pirouette upon mine grave
For in Your path I’ll run and hide

Oh gaze of love so melt my pride
That I may in Your house but kneel
And in my brokenness to cry
Spring worship unto Thee

When beauty breaks the spell of pain
The bludgeoned heart shall burst in vain
But not when love be pointed king
And truth shall Thee forever reign

Sweet Jesus carry me away
From cold of night, and dust of day
In ragged hour or salt worn eye
Be my desire, my wellspring lie

Saturday June 3, 2006

Wow… Summervilles grad had fireworks. They were good fireworks too. And an excellent backdrop thing.

Congrats to Amy, Katie, Shawna, Kim, Michelle, Natalie, Emmett, K.C. and everyone else…

Friday June 2, 2006

Ah, a night of graduation and Andrew Lloyd Webber… Makes for a night of longing… Longing for love that inspires such great music, for music that inspires such love, and for a second chance. Oh I wish I didn’t spend my highschool years devloping my personality. What I wouldn’t give to go back knowing what I know now… Well..

Congrats, Steven and other.