Monthly Archives: August 2006

Wednesday August 23, 2006

Today I got my remote, and yesterday I got my two filters.

Ryan playing with my remote…
Ryan and my remote

Me Playing with my remote… I took this picture with it.Me and my Remote

My IR or Red Filter… Makes everything red.
Red Filter

Then you turn it grey to look really cool…
Grey Red Filter

Then my polarizer filter…


Cool, eh?

Monday August 21, 2006

I know understand the look and the ‘oh, there?’ that is given went you mention that you are getting your vaccinations at the health department. The two hours waiting for a shot that makes your arm… well, hurt after wards. It still hurts. It has been two hours since I got it. Oh well.

“August evenings
Bring solemn warnings
To remember to kiss the ones you love goodnight”

Sunday August 20, 2006

I liked worship today.

It wasn’t just cause I was playing. It was just fun.
I am tired.
Too much meeting. Halo was fun. I haven’t played that in a while.
Played Imaginiff. Weird game. Kind of weak.
Watched the Pink Panther. Kind of funny.