Monthly Archives: August 2006

Wednesday August 2, 2006

“So it is goodbye to all you know and love
on your home ground, the open-handedness,
the giving of war swords. Every one of you
with freeholds of land, our whole nation,
will be dispossessed, once-princes from beyond
get tidings of how you turned and fled
and disgraced yourselves. A warrior will sooner
die than live a life of shame.”

Rest. Action. Movement and repose.
Running away and staying to fight.
Feeling the pain and loss, mixed with the joy and release
of blood letting. Of letting go, of crying.
The freedom of the vagabond, of the manumitted slave.
To sleep next to the whale-path, under the star-way.
To belong everywhere, and accepted nowhere.
To be known, to be unloved.
Up to the forest-covered, up to the water-holders.
To sit at the top and be romanced by earth’s lover,
Feel the hurt as she turns her face from you,
and the joy of her return.
Sadness and Joy, light and dark.
Rest. Action. Movement and repose.

Not only Grendel,
but Grendel’s mother.
And the Dragon.