Monthly Archives: October 2006

Saturday October 7, 2006

Some times I am amazed at where I am. The people I know. Not everyone goes to a concert, then goes eats tacos with the musicians at a famous person’s house. I am afraid that I will get crushed by all the talent and potental in the lot of them. Lots of music, lots of music. I sang Hotel California with people who have cut records, just for the heck of it. I want to see where God takes all of them. The ones I just met, the ones that I have known for 10 months, the ones I have known for a year. It is some what sickening…

Crazy, ya?

Friday October 6, 2006

I am a pint lighter, and I still don’t like needles. It is getting better though, I can power through it. But having it in your arm, where you can feel it, that is weird. They didn’t have any good colors for the bandages either, just dark blue, purple, red, dark green, and yellow. I was actually kind of hoping for hot pink or lime green. That would have been cool.

I dropped off my car at the mechanic’s. The first time I have ever had a mechanic service any of my vehicles. I just don’t have the time or energy to track down the leak that is killing my car. So I have no car… Which is really weird. This is the first time I haven’t had a car or one of my parents’ cars to borrow. Strange…

But life goes on, and I have good iron in my blood.

Thursday October 5, 2006

Why does it always rain right before dawn?

It is funny how God shows His love sometimes. Sometimes you get a gift, a gift that is over the top, and you are grateful, but what really gets you is the stress that the gift has lifted.