You get to fufill the deep need in your gut to capture the beauty that you see.
You get to fufill the creativity that God has placed deep in your heart.
You get to fufill the need to share life with others, to be intimate..
And when you show girls pictures like this:
They fall madly in love with you.
Whatever the reasoning behind its display, that is a beautiful picture. Having a new camera must be good for you.
mmm . . . no. That would be your 1/5 post.
There’s my flattery for the week.
that is a beauteous picture.
California has such nice sunsets but that’s just because there’s so much polution.
uh huh, that’s what my aunty told me.
*nods earnestly*
have a good friday, myers.
what’chya need girls fallin’ for you for?
So now you can start producing your own profile pictures with that sexy Nikon of yours… I can definitely see you taking pictures that look like the ones rotating through. (that was a compliment, by the way!!)
Hey nice picture,that cammera is gonna be a chick maggnet :p

but i’m not in love yet…nope still not in love
you need to put more pictures up,I want to see all that this cammera can do
It’s too bad you didn’t make the sunset, it’s one of the reasons I fell in love.
Seeing pictures like that makes me become more in awe of God. Not so much in awe of Mr. Meyers. But you’re not so bad.
I like Zinger’s comment. If you want a cool girl to fall in love with you, tell her how much you love God.
Where is that picture anyway?
Ha i agree with viper20. And Jenn…