We hiked. All the way from Sam Fisher’s house, all the way to Josh’s swimming hole. Then through the “I hope I am not allergic to this” forest, past the homeless camp, evaded the mad horseman, and got evacuated at the thriftstore. It was a long journey, with much climbing on rocks, snapping of pictures and sticks, fording freezing water, climbing over logs and berry bushes. Lots of berry bushes. That was just an experiance that has to be lived, not told. But I will share with you one part of the trip.
See, you want to be really careful when you go places with us. You might end up like poor Billiam here, who got sacrificed to the gods of the waterfall.
For some more pictures and more captions from the journey and that night go to http://www.flickr.com/photos/amyers83
It is worth it.
You’re forgiven. Could you skip the questionaire thingy next time? Where’d the name Billiam come from? Did ‘William’ the ‘ball’ converge into one?
seriously, they look like sam and frodo…. seriously!
Heyy! So this is why you needed your left hand and couldn’t talk to me. Hahaha. Well worth it, and well worth the wait and being surprised! Great post, sir, and I will check out your Flickr ones at a time when I am not two minutes late leaving for the bus stop! 🙂
Poor Billiam… He was a good pumpkin….
YEAH.. WTF? why? haha
No we sacrificed TO Billiam.
Only if you give me money. And a scooter.
I caved. I got a Flickr. There were too many comments I wanted to make and so I needed an account to make comments. I’ll probably even upload pictures or something.
poor Billiam
That is so awesomely random….the billiam thing. those are some intersting pictures you have up on the flickr thing. so yeah, ttyl
1. You guys really don’t have a lot to occupy your time do you? and 2. I’m gonna go with Ducky1 on that! lol
By the way! You were at our house for the DDR thing! RACHEL is the BLONDE One! I, the one with brown hair, Am STACEY!….*glares at picture* not ‘rachel, olivia, and Josh’….it’s ‘Stacey, Olivia, and Josh’!..*shurgs* had to tell you!