Monday January 9, 2006

So It is coming. Right now It is in Brooklyn and soon it will be here. It is really sexy, Tabby is going to be jealous, and my Flickr is going to get a workout.


6 thoughts on “Monday January 9, 2006

  1. pray2day89

    OHH!! I’m so jealous! no not realy :p thats awesome if you’re talking about the Nikon D 50,right?
    That has to be the sexyist cammera I can think of right now πŸ˜‰
    And you got it before me just as you said you would….oh well,haha πŸ˜›

  2. Passive_Spastic

    Who the monkey is Tabby?  You know you are the most manipulative comment getter I have ever come across.  You are purposefully vague so people leave comment/questions.  You’re dumb.


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