Monday September 4, 2006

It started about 12 o’clock in the morning, we left the concert. That was a long day too, but a different story. Got home about 2:30~2:45, got in bed and laid there. My head was… It felt like half of it was hallow. Got to sleep around 3:00ish, 3:15ish. Which isn’t that long after getting home, but when you are that tired, everysecond delay makes you mad.
I woke up at 6:30-7:00, went to church and played music for a long, long, looong time. Matt did good, and I got done just in time for my china meeting. It was soo long. And I ate only what Julie gave me, since I didn’t have time to get food, an hardboiled egg and some string cheese. I left there about 2… went and got some chinese and ate it with Joleen Guyer and Jessie? I think that was her name. Went home, took a half hour nap. Ironed, went to a wedding at 4 and kicked it at the reseption for-like-ever. And got home at 12, typed this up, while chatting with the beautiful Kelly, and am no going to bed.

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