Sunday December 17, 2006

I don’t know.
I woke up in Sac, took a really long shower (a nice thing about hotels) and drove two hours and got in town at ten. I went to church, saw Amy, Andrew Williams, and my band play without me.

After that, I went to lunch by myself. Which wasn’t that bad, but some company would have been awesome.

Went to a Christmas program that rock, God was totally there (and some of my very beautiful friends).

After that, I had nothing to do. I couldn’t get a hold of anyone. So I just went home and played some playstation for a while.

I just finished my dishes and am waiting for the noodle water to boil for my spagetti. Then I think I will watch Return of the King.

3 thoughts on “Sunday December 17, 2006

  1. BlissfulDiscontent

    *sigh* Long showers…
    Anywho, I’m sorry you didn’t have any company for lunch, though I have to say that it can be nice sometimes just being by yourself. I feel closer to God at those times.


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