Hmm… Today… Today I was all alone. It was an odd day. Yeah. Everyone was gone. I hung out with my family for a little bit. Saw the insided of the new blood bank. Tomorrow is going to be a long day. Who knows, it could be fun.
Night people! I will leave you with this:
“Every note from every chord sets me free.”
it should.
Beautiful pic.
being alone is good sometimes. find the joy being alone has to offer! we sure missed you though. i am not sure that you would have liked the movie to much we saw a lot of butt!
ha. i went to cuz i felt so out of the loop about tuolumne county and i read about the bloodbank. also the person who got hit by the car and a fire in columbia. I leave for a week and finally something interesting happens around there.
Nice sunset brings back memories………