I have a little free time so I will post on this thing.
All right, (note that it is two words, not just one (said my english teacher(awhile back))) I found the coolest thing ever. Widgets for Windows!!! by yahoo. So I could have everything i need on my desktop and stuff.
Edit!!! The new update for my iPod has on the fly playcount updating!
yummy. 🙂
Widget reminds me of some-thing else.
so… All Right is two words but A While is not two words?
Stupid english language. I think we should all just speak Latin.
I love that song! 😀
Hmmmmmmmm when I master spanish I think that I will never stop talking,I’ll use it every where I go…
and people will look at me like I have five heads…all righty then? :p
(I’m realy kinda serious,I will talk in spanish just for the heck of it 🙂
*you get two Eprops 1 for the cool song 1 for making me want to double time my spanish*
Why does everyone have an ipod except me?!? oh well, i`ll get one someday……….yeah, ttyl