Saturday February 3, 2007

It is a quarter to 12 and I am still in bed.

I have done my finances, invested in my future, and read my comics. This is a wonderful Saturday so far. I am getting rather hungry, so I will be movings shortly. Maybe I will go to Pinecrest this afternoon and see what it is like. And this time bring my camera, maybe both of them. Who knows.

Or I might stay home and play video games all day. That sounds fun too.

So these past few weeks have been “un-rest-ful” to me. Somewhat of a combination of the demand at work, school, and my adventurous weekends has finally caught up with me. I was going to go to Redding this weekend, but after almost cracking sometime this week and every attempt for me to go getting shot down, I thought it might be better to stay home and relax.

Oh, anyone know of any good places to give money to?

I want food.

5 thoughts on “Saturday February 3, 2007

  1. Quintessence_217

    I love that album! Particularly the oh-so-deep song “Metal Rules.” If you decide to get a group together to go to Pinecrest, please give me a call! Me want mountains. Otherwise, enjoy your video games.

    Some good places to give money to are:
    Refugee Relief International (provides medical relief to refugees) ,
    Mercy Ships (Christian medical and various other humanitarian aid via boats),
    Invisible Children (helps endangered/displaced Ugandan children and their families) , and
    World Vision (Christian humanitarian aid in various countries, I think they are focusing much of their energies in Darfur right now).
    Or you could always donate money to the “Heather Sparks wants rock climbing gear” fund.

    Sorry this is so long, but I hope it was constructive for you.


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