Tuesday July 24, 2007

  I was in a beautiful place,

with a beautiful woman,

watching a beautiful sunset,

Monkey Shoes,
when, I noticed some strange shoes on the jeep.


That is when it happened, MONKEY ATTACK!!!!!!

Monkey Gabe
First one side,

Monkey Heather
then the other. They were throwing feces everywhere and wanting to battle. And a battle ensued, even an epic battle ensued! With lots of jumping and running around. But I prevailed and finished the evening in peace with my girl.


5 thoughts on “Tuesday July 24, 2007

  1. emmanem12

    u probly haven’t seen liv  in awhile because youth group took a break.i’m excited for it to start back.i’ve missed it.and yeah,family force 5 is aWsOmE!


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