Wednesday April 18, 2007

Finals must be coming because people (me) are stay up way past their bed time (10pm) working on homework.

Me all garbed up and freezing.

My deck, don’t worry about it being tilted.
My Deck

Night sky looking west.
Night Sky

My neighbor’s tree.
My Neighbor's tree

And also I found the card that had the pictures from Katie’s benefit last year. That is worth a few laughs.

5 thoughts on “Wednesday April 18, 2007

  1. pray2day89

    Hey! Nice pictures! I knew you would do a good job with the night sky 🙂
    oh.. you look pretty funny all garbed up and a good funny kind of way! :p

  2. comefearlessly

    Hey how can I see the pictures of Katie’s benefit?…their not on your flickr…. I heard so much about it, but I’d LOVE to see pics. So Please Please Please post them on your flickr for me.


     I read about you riding a dirt bike.  Sounds fun; I did that on Sunday with some buddies.  Dirt bikes are great off road vehicles; eight times better than a 4×4 truck and ten times more fun than riding a quad.

     Those 450cc bikes are huge.


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