Crazy Buliwyf… Trix are for kids

So my computer did this strange thing. I was burning a cd (Mike Bickle on Meekness) and it did something really strange. Look at the picture to see if you can tell what is wrong with it.

Funny Stuff
Hint: I have a laptop.

Did you see it?

The strangeness?

The TWO cds in my 1 cd drive of my laptop? Crazy eh? Sometimes I wonder what my computer is thinking…

Anyway. I just wanted to explain why my post have been a little different lately. While I love Xanga and I love blogging I have been having a hard time keeping up blogging on a regular basis. I have had my Personal blog for a while (Andrew Myers Photography), it has been horribly neglected. So when this rash of new posting has come to my head (then from my head to my finger) I thought I would give my WordPress blog some love.

I love WordPress, there is just so much functionality that I have missed when I used xanga. Don’t get me wrong. I am going to miss all my friends and easy of networking. But then I found this awesome plugin for my WordPress, it allows me to write a post in WordPress and post it in Xanga. So I can keep you guys all in formed without having to fully manage two blogs.

Yes I still read my Xanga Subscriptions and comment them. And apparently I need to make more comments:

TRUE Member?

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