In the past, cynicism and apathy ruled. Rebellion from what everyone else was doing kept me in an aggressive non-conforming state of mind. Fighting the system, only cause it’s there and I was itching for a fight.
The party, and the number changing, was the only thing different about the day.
I half pretend to keep this time, just like last year. The band is loud and I’m wandering the shadows, wishing I was never here.
Somewhere, things changed. This overwhelming hope started to creep in. Little by little, my  disenchantment washed away. Optimism is now first and foremost. The future does hold good things for me, because of the good that chases after me.
I still one better the norm. Resolutions are done away with and replaced with specific goals and timelines.
This is my future and let’s see what we can do with it.
A year goes by and I’m staring at my watch again, and I dig deep this time, for something greater than I’ve ever been, life to ancient wineskins. And I was blind but now I see.