Thursday December 30, 2004

Well I stripped today. A floor of its wax, that is. Alexa had her birthday party, I hope she had fun, I couldn’t really get a good responce from her. We went to Applebees, then watched Fat Albert. The movie wasn’t bad, there just wasn’t anything good about it. I really did like the part at the end though, it made it click that it was based on real people and Bill Cosby’s childhood. I am tired and I have to drive up to Weed tomorrow to visit my mother for New Years. I just realized that my tape adaptor doesn’t work in my tape deck. I will have to listen to Klove for five hours on the way up. I am a little worried about the snow too. Well, if I die, it wouldn’t be the worst that could happen.

My favorite animal is steak. -Fran Lebowitz

4 thoughts on “Thursday December 30, 2004

  1. IceAngelGA

    Your optomism overwhelms me. You are a Rider of Rohan! You’re supposed to go “ARRRRGH” and go attack your tapedeck with your sword to make it work or something…

    NO WAY! I love the profile pic… if I had a lamp like that I would put it in a prominent place in my home just because it’s so funny.


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