11 thoughts on “Thursday December 9, 2004

  1. grmfo18

    hello… and no, i have not read my Bible. but i need to. thank you!! i have no clue how you found my xanga but that’s cool…haha, and umm… I LOVE CALIFORNIA!!! if you are for real from there!! that’s awesome!! ok, but yeah… have a great day!!

  2. luvz2laugh04

    well, NOW i understand everything about the whole no food=no drama. and the first girl up there who commented is one of my really good friends, so im thinking you are just a xanga-surfin commenting kind of guy. lol…

  3. klayman_14

    Awww…. Andrew, you are so furtunate that people come to you to make conversation and you don’t have to do anything….. All I have is andrew h. …. lol… just kidding, I am grateful and thankful for you both a lot!!

  4. tranquilwater

    You know, I’m upset that no one comments on my site either when I write such stirring messages from my heart. You write nothing! Nothing! And people care to say something to you! Ugh.


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