Monday February 7, 2005

I bought a cd today. And a video. Made a lot of memories at the superbowl party, like being scared of Julie and writing Sonja’s number on Sonja’s hand while tell her to call me… Lots more and I am to tired to tell you about it tonight.

3 thoughts on “Monday February 7, 2005

  1. simplyworshipper

    haha… well we do a big production at our church, a passion play…. and i’m a flying angel, haha i don’t really “fly” but it looks like i do cuz i’m harnessed up and hanging from our 28 foot ceiling. πŸ™‚ how fun!!!!! lol it hurts though!! πŸ™‚ anyways, ya that’s it…. lol talk to you later!!


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