Saturday December 3, 2005

So this is week 1:

Not much yet, but I just shaved that morning.

I was looking at cameras again, (and bought another camera mag at the walmart) and decided to switch models from the Nikon d70s to the Nikon d50. It is cheaper and still does everything I want it to do. And did I mention it is cheaper? I think I will purchase it after Christmas or the end of the year. But before Mexico.

10 thoughts on “Saturday December 3, 2005

  1. IceAngelGA

    good idea. [bout the camera]
    hawt chin. [about the…. chin]
    hilarious picture. [about your profile image]

    I think we should both grow our beards out for the month of december and see who has the most hair on their chins by the end.
    okay, yeah. but no fair taking bets on it beacuse I think we both know who’s gonna win…

    …me, duh! ๐Ÿ˜›


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