So life goes on. I wonder where the heck the dvd series I order is. And what I can do if it never comes. Like go with Andrew and take over walmart. Down with the giants! I am bored now. Maybe I will go plan the heist. Kay, we will need some chaff grenades, some flash-bangs, pantyhoes,…
*jumps up and down* Can I help?!? Pretty please!!!
those smart girls….they could rule the world, you know. Better watch out.
oh that sounds like a royal blast.
walmart is my almost favorite place to get clothes.
up there with Sears 75% off sales, Ross, and Nordstrom Rack.
Savers is my all-time favorite.
yeah, I know you needed to hear all that.
I am too making sense, you’re just sleeping. Wake up!
Now it’s my turn to give you props for good music. Maybe Andrew has forgotten that he is supposed to take over the Shell gas station with me.
hey we talked about walmart and dvd’s last night… i guess if you take over walmart i can go any time i want, aye?
This is one of those times that a private jet and a personal pilot would really come in handy.