Monthly Archives: November 2006

Sunday November 26, 2006

It’s coming and I swear it’s out to take our lives.

Today I woke up sore and my car looked like this:

‘Cause yesterday I took this part,
Driver's side cylinder head

This part,
Passenger side cylinder head

These parts,

and these part off…
More parts

And today I put them all back on so it looks like this:
All together

Tomorrow I am going to time it.

My hair is gross and I am tired. Goodnight, my Love.

Thursday November 23, 2006

That is another strange movie. I think it might be even stranger than the Fountain. But that is besides the point and nothing to do with this post. The point of this post is I drove for three hours today to eat food with some people that I haven’t seen in a while.

My nieces Emily and Kim are getting old. I remember when Emily was just a baby, like one. Now she is turning 14 this month.
And I saw my newest niece, Grace. And her older sister, Samatha, who is so talkitive and smart. Then there is Sarah who cries when you tell her “no” or “don’t.” Who stares at you with distrust. One of my nephew’s was there. Kevin, the youngest of four and I can see in  how he acts that his brothers take advantige of him. Not in a bad way, the kind of a highly competive enviroment – starting a race over in ATV Offroad Fury 2 because someone else was winning. And he is like five…
Family. It is what it is. After being away, you catch the little words, not said in malace or in manipulation, that just catch your ear and make you wonder.

Tomorrow I am going to work on my car. Yay! New headgaskets!!! And check out my flickr.

Tuesday November 21, 2006

Yes, people, I did play this game. Yes, it was rather fun. No, it did not blow my mind or melt my eyeballs with the graphics. People, the controller is very light and doesn’t make a good stress relief throwing object. Yes, people, the game physics are insane.

Yes, people, I did get a massage today. It was good, people, you are correct. People, free professional massages are the bomb.

Edit: I just had a mad craving to go diving in the lake. Now I will have to wait 8 months before I can…