Monday July 3, 2006

So my car is fixed. I fixed it all by myself. I am so proud..

Anyway I think I will go kick it at the Mall of our town, Wal-mart.
I need:
Glue gun,
Thank you cards,
Contact Fluid,
and I don’t think much else… I will have to do a quick “look and stand around looking oh-so lost while I think of what else I need” before I leave.

9 thoughts on “Monday July 3, 2006

  1. ktlovesjc

    i never have any luck with glue guns. i either end up burning my fingers or glueing them together while burning them. best of luck.

    you wanna go see pirates with me?

  2. la_rosa24

    yep, that’s what Andrew does. lists and things we normally wouldn’t care about. but that is awesome that you fixed your car. I put air in my tires and that was about the extent of my expertise.

  3. pray2day89

    YAY! for fixed cars! 😀 best of luck with your shoping…good for you making a list…I never make a list I walk around with a blank look until I find sumthing I need 😛


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