Saturday April 15, 2006


This has been one of the best years I have gone to Mexico.

And the easiest.

God was so behind everything.

I saw death and fought.
        I saw life and rejoiced.
            I played with kids, and was fought over.
                For I am the wind.
Yes I am the wind.

Children had their feet washed, and new socks and shoes put on their feet. Armored with breastplates, girded with belts, hats placed, shields of faith for defense, and armed with the sword of the spirit.

Every word that was brought, was brought for me. Harmonics of love, of life, and sacrifice. Themes that resounded in my soul. Faced with a shadow of myself.

“Sacrifice a dream for a bigger one.”

Dreams of houses, owning land, having a comfortable life, contrasted with life of no showers, having no belongings. The first is what I want, but when I hear the second I just cry.

Afraid of what it might cost. And awed at its power.

12 thoughts on “Saturday April 15, 2006

  1. muma_of_nanu

    Hello Son,
    I’m glad you had such a blessed trip. I am also glad that you are home safe and sound. You make me very proud to be your mom. Keep up the great work for the bigger cause. I love you.

  2. muma_of_nanu

    Hello Son,
    I’m glad you had such a blessed trip. I am also glad that you are home safe and sound. You make me very proud to be your mom. Keep up the great work for the bigger cause. I love you.


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