I am hungry.
Edit: I am no longer hungry. I ate. I ate chicken enchiladas. Made by Mrs. Heisinger. Yum.
I also had ice cream. And there was a cute girl working behind the counter.
I am listening to Radiant. They are good. I like them. I will wear the shirt I bought tomorrow.
My memory cards came today. And my Mae sweatshirt. But it might be a while before I wear that. I don’t know which face…
Night all.
Eat something. π
Funny I just got a comment and they were talking about being hungry. A guy too. Men eat a lot. hehe π
that was some good ice cream.
the board game is super fun, too!
the gurl had to have been canadian eh?
I saw a mae sweatshirt at the showbread concert.
good morning, happy sunday!