… I had all the xanga sites that I used to read bookmarked, back in the day before you could organize your subscriptions by last updated. Well in my most awesome firefox you can have the option to open all the bookmarks in a folder at once into tabs. It left such a bitter taste in my mouth. I think I will leave now.
wow… that picture…. seems so long ago…. good memory…. I wosh I still had that hair….
lol nice pic! Well, my birthday was in april but I’m having my party this weekend…I’m 16:D
mmhmm, it was the only available weekend for the beah house. I’m kinda glad that it’s this late, cuz the weather is awesome right now:)
Haha nicccccccce…I remember that picture! didn’t you have that on your fliker? lol oh w/e..ttyl! 🙂
I look forward to that day.
yay firefox. and that is a killer profile pic!