
Focus and distraction. The possibilities are overwhelming, but so is the sense of potential and capacity.

What is being shoved in my face right now, is “Do you really want to do this? Cause you can do whatever you want.”

It’s both liberating and paralyzing. I am free to do what I want, and I can do whatever I want, just now I’m the one who’s in charge.

The responsibility is now mine, and mine alone. I’m the master of my own fate. I’m the one who decides between failure and fortune.

He’s with me, no matter what. He loves me, no matter what. He never thinks I’ve failed, and I can’t fail, and there for I will not fail.

Things might not go as well as planned, things might go in a completely different direction that was once thought or dreamed. But there I will be there. He will be there too.

My life is the tension between fear and freedom.

1 thought on “Tension

  1. Jordan

    Bro i know what you mean the world is literally at your finger tips. I have that same feeling in me and got it when I took off on my own to travel. When I was alone these were the questions I asked that led me to the happy place I am at: I asked myself what is important to me, what do i miss, what do i want around me, what type of people do i want to live with, what type of geography makes me smile, what do i want to do on my free time, if i had all the money and time in the world what would I want to do… I miss you friend and wish you all the best, I hope to talk to you soon man to man.


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