Tag Archives: Photos

June 13 and 14: Bike, Run, Shoot.

13: Bike to the top, 9 miles, 139 minutes. Only 5 short breaks. That was 80 minutes or so uphill with a 15 minute ride down. 15 minutes is a long time downhill. I got tired…

14: Run 2 laps, 2.5 miles, 31 minutes. Walk/Jog 90/60 seconds. I am going to change this pattern on thurdsay. I can’t decided which would be better, changing midweek or at the start of a new week.

One of my good friends from my youth group days got married Sunday. It was an amazing wedding and a spectacular reception, and I got to take pictures.

Here are some of the older ones of Katie I have:
Katie with hat

Vikki, Katie, and Estelita

Here are some of her wedding: