I woke up Saturday at about 4:30, 4:45 in the morning. I was wanting to get up at five to leave early, but I must have been too warm, had to go to the bathroom, or just plain anxious about not being late. And I was having nervous dreams – like being up somewhere high and balancing about to fall to my certain death or being buried alive in a cave, trapped forever underground.
And being late! Man, that would horrible. I’ve put so much into this, months of training, getting too busy to train, then training hard to make up for the last time. I’ve invested money into this too! A new bike, all sorts of equipment, gym membership, and time. OH MY, the TIME! Hours of being on my bike, hours being in the pool, waking up early to train, going to bed early cause I’m exhausted from the the running, the biking, the swimming. Such an investment can’t be allowed to self-destruct with such lax negligence! Nervous I shall sleep!
I am blessed to have such an amazing girlfriend, that she was at my house at 5:30 ready to go with me to cheer me on (with homemade signs). I am blessed to have two good friends to support me and show up at 5:45. We all loaded up in the car and hit the road. Continue reading