Tag Archives: Run

“To Undertake an Endeavor” or “The Day after Yesterday”

I woke up Saturday at about 4:30, 4:45 in the morning. I was wanting to get up at five to leave early, but I must have been too warm, had to go to the bathroom, or just plain anxious about not being late. And I was having nervous dreams – like being up somewhere high and balancing about to fall to my certain death or being buried alive in a cave, trapped forever underground.

And being late! Man, that would horrible. I’ve put so much into this, months of training, getting too busy to train, then training hard to make up for the last time. I’ve invested money into this too! A new bike, all sorts of equipment, gym membership, and time. OH MY, the TIME! Hours of being on my bike, hours being in the pool, waking up early to train, going to bed early cause I’m exhausted from the the running, the biking, the swimming. Such an investment can’t be allowed to self-destruct with such lax negligence! Nervous I shall sleep!

I am blessed to have such an amazing girlfriend, that she was at my house at 5:30 ready to go with me to cheer me on (with homemade signs). I am blessed to have two good friends to support me and show up at 5:45. We all loaded up in the car and hit the road. Continue reading

Near, far, Up, and all around…

As evening fell, a maiden stood
At the edge of a wood.
In her hands lay the reins
Of a stallion.
And ne’er I’d seen a girl as fair,
Heard a gentler voice anywhere.
Whispered, “Alas…”
She belonged, belonged to another–
Another forever.
Yes, she belonged to
the twilight and mist.

(I’ve had that song, well, the melody, stuck in my head for a while)

The Near
18: Run 2 laps, 2.5 miles, 30:15 minutes. Walk/Jog 120/90 seconds. It was my fastest time so far. It’s annoying how slow I go when I’m walking, I got this quick cause I did more jogging than I was supposed to.

20: Bike ride. But more of that in the far.

21: Run 2 laps, 2.5 miles, 30:37 minutes. Walk/Jog 120/90 seconds. Slower, but it was easier to jog for the 90 seconds.

24: Bike 6 laps, 7.5 miles, 38:48 minutes. Fastest lap was around 5:40 or so. I was much impressed, but then the next lap was slower, like 8 minutes. All and all,  6:41 average time per lap. 11.6 miles an hour. That means it would take me, oh, forever to go 16 miles.

25: Run 2 laps, 2.5 miles, 30:17 minutes. Walk/Jog 90/90 + 180/180. Yeah, I was confused too. I had to read it four or five times before I understood what exactly it said. 3 minutes is a LOOOOONG time to jog.

The Far

The bike ride alluded to above was amazing. I rode uphill for four miles or so, then went on a 7 mile downhill mountain bike trail, complete with scenic detour (read: lost).  The views were amazing and the trail was pretty scary.

Father’s day I went fishing and caught this. Yep, that’s right, it’s a 17″ rainbow trout. It was pretty fun to be fishing again. And a blast to be out there with some amazing Dads I know.

The Up

It was a movie. A good movie. And pretty darn awesome in 3D, and with some great company. It was well worth the trip and the $14.50 I didn’t pay. But I would have, I swear!

June 13 and 14: Bike, Run, Shoot.

13: Bike to the top, 9 miles, 139 minutes. Only 5 short breaks. That was 80 minutes or so uphill with a 15 minute ride down. 15 minutes is a long time downhill. I got tired…

14: Run 2 laps, 2.5 miles, 31 minutes. Walk/Jog 90/60 seconds. I am going to change this pattern on thurdsay. I can’t decided which would be better, changing midweek or at the start of a new week.

One of my good friends from my youth group days got married Sunday. It was an amazing wedding and a spectacular reception, and I got to take pictures.

Here are some of the older ones of Katie I have:
Katie with hat

Vikki, Katie, and Estelita

Here are some of her wedding:

June 12th

Run 2 laps, 2.5 miles, 33 minutes. Walk/Jog 90/60 seconds

I took it much slower today (I did run yesterday, and swam over 1,000 yards today). It was kind of neat though, going slower. I was pretty tired by the time my jog interval was done but the rest interval seemed too long. And it was really cool that more towards the end, the more it seemed that I could just jog for longer.

Oh yeah, the last 9 minutes of the 33 was me walking after my intervals were down, just to cool down. Since I don’t know how far I’ve actually run, I’ll just keep going two laps. Hopefully, it will keep getting quicker until I add the third or fourth lap. 😀