I am soo tired. It has been a long day on the road. I left my moms house at 9:30 or so, and got home about 5:15. Long time. On the way up I got to Redding in around 4 hours, then took 2 hours to get gas, an In n Out cheesebuger and to get to Weed. Now on the way home I had to put on chains and it took me 2 and half hours to get to Redding. (Two hours after I put on the chains.) Then I spent about half an hour in Redding getting gas and buying new windshield wipers. Then I drove to Orangevale, then got lost trying to find Hwy 16. I must have missed it so I found 99 and went the way I knew. It was just a long drive. Ug….
Wow, long trip. Have fun?
Did it remind you of a certain trip to the desert with Nate?
yes, i flew! why?
that’s crazy!
have a great week… and… YEAH!
ohhh, ok! i live in georgia! so yeah, i definitely flew!
Long drives are fun. I get to take one today. I’ll probably get losted and when I do I’ll think of you and…. laugh.
what’s an uber survey?
breathe in HIS beauty. I thought you would fit at IHOP, and like it. They have a 6 month ONE THING inturn deal that sounds very fun.